Shades of Ireland

Monday, January 16, 2012

Dueling Bread Machines

I gave the new recipe a trial run last night and after a little tweaking, it turned out marvelous. I tried making the smaller loaf -- following the recipe--- and it was obviously too wet.

This morning, I am using the recipe for the larger 2lbs loaf and it looks like it is just right. I have both machines churning away on the work station counter top.

Both of these machines were given to me. The one on the left is a Hitachi and it takes just over 4 hours to make a loaf of bread. The one on the right is a Toastmaster and takes just under 3 hours to make a loaf. Even with the longer cycle, I am thinking that I like the Hitachi better. The Toastmaster is a noisy beast and rattles the counter top. It just sounds like it is going to fly all to pieces at any moment--- and it may after the hard use it will get in this household. I have had the Hitachi for about 6 years. The Toastmaster arrived just before Christmas.

When we moved, I got out of the habit of making bread. Just too busy. Now that we are on a strict budget and this crowd inhales almost two loaves of bread a day, time to get back in the habit.

Salena headed back to school this morning so I am back on puppy duty. It was nice to have a break and she is planning on coming back next weekend. I am sure that I will be ready for her to take over again.The little monsters are getting bigger and a few of them can already get out of the box

It has warmed up considerably so we have opened the garage door so that they can get some sun and fresh air. Elsa, the German Shepherd, thought they needed something to play with. When we went out to check on them, she had dragged a piece of her deer hide up and put it in the box for the pups to play with and chew on. She is so sweet to them but in a week or so, I am sure they will be out and harassing her unmercifully.

I love to watch them wrestle. They are so ferocious....

Meanwhile over at the barn, those roosters are still crowing, eating and generally in the way. Still haven't finished butchering them but I know that I HAVE to get started on that job very soon. I just keep procrastinating!

Noelle is looking better every day and getting more attitude with each pound. Holly's udder is healing and she is milking wonderfully. The goats are looking more pregnant every day. The hay supply is holding out very well since the weather has not been nearly as cold as last year. We still need rain or snow for moisture. The wheat is just a slight green dusting over the field. It is waiting on moisture before putting out much new growth. 

It is a beautiful sunny day--- and my head is pounding. The sinus infection is back....... I am getting things done today but at a much more leisurely pace than normal.

Time to give the pups their lunch!

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